How To Sign up for a Library Card

Residents living within the Princeton Illinois city limits are eligible for a free library card. For a map showing the city limits CLICK HERE. PLEASE NOTE: the Search field provided on this map is not reliable. Your location must fall within the physical limits indicated by the red lines shown on the map. To double check the address, please use Google Maps or Mapquest.

Once an individual has registered at Princeton Public Library, he or she is free to use the card at any public library in the state.

If you have a valid library card from any library in Illinois, you may use it to check out books at PPL. To confirm the card’s validity, please present it at the circulation desk along with a photo ID.

If an adult resides beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of PPL, Princeton Library cards can be purchased for $94 fee per year per household if we are the closest library to your location.

To apply for a new Princeton Library card, an individual must present a form of identification that bears their name, current address and photo. A post office box mailing address is not acceptable. Children under the age of sixteen must have a parent’s signature on any initial application for a library card, and a parent must be present to register on their child’s behalf, as they will be responsible for any lost/damaged material on their child’s account.

Registration forms can be filled out at the circulation desk or may be submitted electronically HERE. Electronic applications still require the patron to bring identification to the library in person within 30 days of submitting the form in order to receive your barcoded library card.

Please allow a minimum of two business days for processing before picking up your card. Cards not picked up within 30 days of applying will be invalidated and must be resubmitted.