Local History

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Local History Collection Indexes

Index for 1897–98 Bureau County Directory

Directories and Platbooks in the Local History Collection

Family Histories in the Local History Collection

historyGreatly enhancing the beauty of the library building is the very tasteful art glass window placed there by Dr. and Mrs. H.M. McKee in memory and in honor of Mrs. McKee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. Paddock keenly appreciated the beautiful in art, literature and nature, and were always identified with every progressive movement in the community. This handsome memorial is a very fitting tribute to their memory” (from The Story of Matson Public Library). The memorial window was installed in the Matson Public Library building in 1913, and transferred to the Princeton Public Library building upon the library’s move in  2007.

3 thoughts on “Local History”

  1. Hello, Can you help me find some historical information? One of my favorite artists, Milo Winter, who is world class artist, who illustrated such famous books as Aseop’s Fables, Alice in
    Wonderland, Arabian Nights and Gulliver’s Travels, was born in Princeton IL on August 7th 1888. I was hoping to visit his birthplace on my next trip home to Peoria, IL, but I’m unable to find any information about him in your Princeton history???

  2. Can someone direct me into how to find information on a family that lived in Princeton from about 1895, the last name is Tolene.

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